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Aaron Logsdon
Branch Manager
Get to know Aaron

I’m a husband and a father of 2 boys.  I was born and raised in a very small town in Illinois before I joined the US Air Force at 19 yrs old. I served 10 years Active Duty working in the Supply/Logistics field before I separated. I’ve lived in WA state since August 2017. I’m very personable and outgoing. My hobbies include collecting Vintage Masters Of The Universe, traveling, going to the movies, interior design, and being creative in general. I love to build, refurnish, or repurpose furniture and DIY anything I think is cool. I’m a huge Harry Potter fan and my house is Gryffindor in case you were wondering. And I LOVE Scary movies! I started on my recruiting journey with Opti as a Skilled Trades Recruiter in Oct 2021 at our Seattle Office. I was promoted to Executive Recruiter and eventually transferred to our Tacoma office. Then in June 2023, I was promoted to Branch Manager of our Tacoma office. I love being able to use my passion to help people find jobs and change their lives and I’m very happy to be able to foster and mentor our recruiters to be able to do the same. My hope is to have made the world at least 10% happier when my time here on Earth is over.


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